Laurie McNamee Appointed as 4icg Group Marketing Director

Pursuit’s Head of Marketing has joined our Board of Directors.

We are delighted to announce that Head of Marketing for Pursuit, Laurie McNamee, has recently been appointed as Group Marketing Director for the 4icg Group.

Laurie has been working at Pursuit Marketing since early 2021 and has been instrumental in expanding and driving the success of our Digital Marketing team, as well as spearheading several marketing and branding initiatives across the Group.

Managing Director and Co-founder, Robert Copeland, spoke on Laurie’s achievements and welcomed her to the 4icg Board:

“It’s an exciting time for the business and this appointment is recognition of the key role Laurie has undoubtably played in adding value to what we do. This includes improving our systems and processes, enabling us to serve new and existing clients better. Laurie also created and executed a very successful brand launch for YourShortlist. Through expanding the team, Laurie has added new levels of expertise and talent, increasing the scope and delivery of our digital marketing services.”

On her new role and recent successes, Laurie had this to say:

"I am delighted to join the board during a time of pivotal growth and transformation. It has been an incredible year with 4ICG so far and I am thrilled with the positive impact our Marketing team expansion has made. I'm looking forward to working with the board and teams to deliver on our future success across the group."

This appointment comes at an exciting time for Pursuit Marketing, following our recent award win at the UK National Contact Centre of the Year Awards and the announcement of our new office opening in Tenerife (more information to follow soon).

Stay tuned on our social media to keep up to date with all our upcoming news and business developments.

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